Friday, March 30, 2012

Natalie makes a snap judgement

Dan began to speak, but Nat held up a hand to stop him and walked away to talk to one of the execs who had just entered. He was sharp and smart in an Armani suit with cuffs and well groomed black hair and deep blue eyes. Nat walked up and introduced herself in a serious fashion.
            “Hi, I am Natalie Bryant, Junior Partner.” She held out her hand which he took in his own firm cool grasp.
            “Mark Maxwell, VP of Marketing and Development.” He smiled his perfectly even pearly whites. “I see that you’ve met our poster boy for gay rights.”
            He laughed a deep musical laugh and Nat warmed to him immediately.
            “No Jonathon.” He replied looking over at Dan and John talking quietly.
            “Oh, well yes, he’s a bit much to take.”
            “Yes, well, John just came out and he’s trying to find his zone. And we all are having to adjust with him.”
            “Dan Myers Esquire seems to have it well in hand.” As soon as she said it she wished she had counted to ten first. She bit her lip to stopped from screaming in terror at her mistake. Mark just grinned and shook his head.
            “Dan is cool, I don’t know about the Esquire part, sounds like a Jonathan embellishment- Dan is the one who got John to come out anyway- so he’s the only one who didn’t need to adjust.”
            Nat looked from Dan to Mark and back to Dan in shock.
            “Dan is of course our best investigator, so I guess it goes to reason that he would figure it out first.” Mark continued not seeing her expression.
            Well that poor man, Nat thought, Dan had obviously outed him and he was struggling to cope. The room began to fill for the meeting and they took their places. As Irony would have it, Nat ended up sitting across from Dan.
            He sat easily in his chair with a semi slouch, grinning as if still laughing at the earlier joke which she obviously was intended to get but didn’t. That made her mad, what was so funny anyway? She looked at the table in front of him; Dan had brought a cup of something brown- hot chocolate over with a doughnut and a napkin. No notepad, laptop, PDA or anything.
            Adversely, Nat had a cup of coffee which was placed next to a legal pad and two pens. She had her tape recorder ready to go next to it. On the other side her Blackberry awaited her with its calendar ready. She looked from her space around the table only to observe that Dan was the only one with nothing but his refreshments in front. Her opinion of him dropped another notch, even John had a laptop open in prep for the meeting on the coming merger.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Back to Nat's Story

The first time Nat met Dan was at the annual fall board meeting of Sherman and Oaks, a security and investigation company that her law firm employed almost exclusively. Nat was one of the junior partners in the firm of Walford, Raker, Jones and Anderson and had been working her way up the ladder since leaving the Attorney General’s office after a two year stint with them following law school. She had been eager to get into private law and make some real money after the two years of public scorn working for an unpopular boss and sexist hierarchy. One of the firm’s senior partners was a brilliant woman, Claudia Raker and it was she who had courted Nat over to signing up with them.
            Since then, Nat had worked very hard to be best associate and now junior partner in the firm. For the most part she had succeeded, in part by winning almost all her cases and settling those that could not be won. She knew that becoming senior partner would just take time and had to adjust that the time would not be anytime soon. Her dedication to the work had left little to no time for socializing.
            Dan, as it turned out was the lead investigator at Sherman and Oaks and had a reputation for dogged persistence in pursuing a case. A trait that would have been admirable in a well dress professionally minded handsome man of which he was not in any form or fashion. Rather, Dan was a slightly overweight man with a receding hair-line, a brick jaw and sloppy attire. He wore lose clothes no tie and jeans into the boardroom and slouched against one wall. Nat would have dismissed him as a lesser gopher if it had not been for a professionally dressed and obviously gay admin who insisted that she meet the best investigator in the firm.
            “Now you have to meet Dan- he’s the greatest.” The Gay admin almost squealed- yes squealed like a teenage girl. He cleared his throat as he practically skipped over to the slobbish man leaning against the wall. “Danny?”
            “John?” The man said straightening to look at him with a lopsided easy grin.
            “Danny, this is…” and he motioned Nat to advance. “Miss Natalie Bryant, one of the rising stars at Walford, Raker, Jones and Anderson.” And he produced her with a flourish of his hand as if he was showing a new car.
            “Miss Bryant, John speaks highly of you.” Dan said his lopsided grin spreading to a knowing smile as if he were letting her in on a joke.
            “Hello Dan-“ She replied feeling out of step.
            “Oh, sorry, Natty.” John quipped realizing he hadn’t completed the introduction. “This is Daniel Myers Esquire…”
            Nat ground her teeth, she hated anyone calling her by “Natty” or Nat or any familiar in the work space. She forced a polite smile and extended he hand.
            “The pleasure is all mine, Natalie.” Dan said taking her cool hand in his own warm one.”Don’t let John  faze you, he means well, a bit too friendly though.” And he wiggled his other hand while holding onto hers as well.
            “I see.” Nat replied more coldly than she meant to as the reclaimed her hand unconsciously massaging it as if his grip had been to tight rather than the warm comfort it had conveyed. “Esquire?”
            “An embellishment.” Dan said as he shrugged and John giggled in pleasure- yes he actually giggled. Nat decided that she disliked John immediately for fawning all over this underdressed slob and his easy manner. He wasn’t charming; in fact he was like a old neighbor who knew you too well.

Monday, March 26, 2012

And Now for something completely different!

The Misadventures of Captain Zoom

NARRATOR: Continuing our adventure, Captain Zoom and Rocket Lad are trapped in the dungeons of grime where the evil Dr. Maligned has them in his Quantum Articulator trap and is about to launch them into the time vortex.


ROCKET LAD: Gosh Captain Zoom- how’re we gonna escape this debacle.


CAPTIAN ZOOM: Never fear Rocket Lad, I have a plan.
LAD: What plan? How could you have a conceivably have a plan?
ZOOM: If I can just move this chain-


LAD: What are you doing Captian Zoom
ZOOM: Well Rocket Lad, I am shifting my left hand in the chains binding us to the articulator table  to reach my accessory belt to get at my leatherman Toolkit 2000- so that I can separate the wires connecting the electro-lock on our bindings to the Time Vortex Projector thereby causing a cascade effect and thus freeing us.


DR. MALIGNED: There is no escape, Captain Zoom-ha ha ha.


LAD: Gee Captain, how did you become so adept with that Leatherman Crimp Tool 2000?
ZOOM: Well Rocket Lad, I got adept with the Leatherman Crimp Tool 2000 by drinking my own special brand of chocolate milk Zoom Juice. Which makes you faster and stronger than the bad guys.
LAD: Wow, I wish that I had drunk my Zoom juice.


MALIGNED: No! This cannot be! It’s Inconceivable! It’s-


LAD: Golly- it is sure dark in here. Captain Zoom? Where are you?


ZOOM: I really don’t know Rocket Lad, but I suspect that the lights are out.
LAD: Of course the lights are out you fool!
ZOOM: Rocket Lad- I don’t like your tone of voice.
LAD: Argh! I don’t like my tone of voice- it’s squeaky and girlish!
ZOOM: Rocket Lad- what has gotten into you?
LAD: It must be Dr. Maligned, yes; he must have done something to me.
ZOOM: Really?
LAD: No, I am really miffed- you moron!
LAD: Why is it that you always state the obvious! Of course the lights are out you buffoon! But why? Where is Dr. Maligned?
MALIGNED: I am right here!


LAD: Help Captain Zoom! Save me.
LAD: What?
ZOOM: No, you called me a moron.
LAD: What?
ZOOM: You called me a moron.
MALIGNED: Boys. Can we get back to the story?
LAD: What story? Do you means this is all some kind of sick fantasy where I am the helpless sidekick of a fruity superhero?
ZOOM: That is it. I quit. Dr. Maligned you can do whatever you want with him or her or whatever.


LAD: Uh-Oh
NARRATOR: Does this spell the end of the Magnificent Duo, Will Captain Zoom renew his contract? Will Dr. Maligned kill Rocket Lad? Will-
LAD: No! You can’t let it end like this- we need a better cliffhanger-
NARRATOR: Will Rocket Lad get a grip and learn some humility-


LAD: Wait, what do you know about it anyway-
MALIGNED: Maybe I will get better lines next time.
LAD: No.
NARRATOR: Tune in tomorrow Kids and don’t forget to drink Your Zoom Juice!
LAD: No, no, no!