The Trace speaks to me on in my memories now. How did I come to this place?
Who are you?
The trace speaks.
I am Mars Tyrnns
Mars Tyrns, pronounced Mar-Se Tear-rins. Born in thirty-one twelve to the
House of Tyrnn, Eighth Tier of the Celestine Seat.
Yes. The 8th Teir, it was at the top of the pecking order.
The pecking order?
A new term of reference- I learned it her from the biological unit Maggie Smythe.
Mars Tyrnns, only child of the Lord Marshal Feder Tyrnns and Lady Galena
Alunsial -pronounced Marshal Feed-ar and Gal-Lena A-loon-shall. This new language of yours is strange Mars Tyrnns.
I agree, it did not seem to be this hard to communicate back there... back home.
Home? I am unfamiliar with that unit, define and clarify.
Home is a unit for the point of origin, it does not need be specific or localized but still can be and mean much the same thing.
A plural and singular unit?
Curious. So then when you said home, you referred to singular or pluralized?
I meant both and all. I meant the Celestine Empire. No that's not the right term.... but it seems to be the closest approximation this language will allow.
The Celestine Empire. In 2344.6, the Praetoric Emperor, Maxivius Allysas Kain,- pronounce Max Ivik Vy Us Ali As As....forget pronunciations (internal reference only) decreed that the Empire was again at war. This time the Vesuvis Republic
had overstepped the line of Neutrality and invasion would commence. The Prison
boot camps were filled with all available criminals and war machine began to
roll. The standing column of the Fifth Army had no lack for volunteers as there
were plenty of dissidents and murderers from the five hundred worlds of the
Celestine Empire.
I was afraid I had lost you.
Yes, you are the Trace.
I am the Trace.
You had gone silent since a time following my arrival.
How much time?
It should have been 20 light cycles but here on this world the cycle won't operate the same way. The local units say days not cycles but they are not the same unit reference.
I comprehend. I am not the Trace that you once knew.
I don't understand.
I am the Trace but not the same Trace that was with you back home. Part of the Trace came with you on your exile. I am that part. It has taken time to adjust to this point of arrival. I am with you now.
Mars began to smile. At least he was no longer alone. Without realizing it, he put his arm around Maggie Smythe and pulled her close to him as the two of them sat on the side of the road in California.
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